Comment modifier une routine Google Home?

Comment modifier une routine Google Home?

Modifier une routine

  1. Ouvrez l’application Google Home .
  2. Appuyez sur Routines .
  3. Choisissez la routine que vous souhaitez modifier.
  4. Sous « Comment démarrer », appuyez sur le déclencheur que vous souhaitez modifier.
  5. Sous « Actions de cette routine », appuyez sur l’action que vous souhaitez modifier.
  6. Appuyez sur Enregistrer.

Comment changer le language de Google Home?

Changer de langue ou en ajouter une

  1. Sur votre téléphone ou tablette Android, ouvrez l’application Google Home .
  2. Dans l’angle supérieur droit, appuyez sur votre photo de profil ou initiale Paramètres de l’Assistant Assistant. Langues.
  3. Appuyez sur votre langue actuelle.
  4. Choisissez une nouvelle langue.

What is the Google Assistant Good Morning routine?

Google Inc. With the Good Morning Routine, your Assistant can turn on your lights, brief you on your day, tell you about the weather, play music, and more. All when you say “Good morning”, “Tell me about my day”, or other commands.

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How do I get Google Home to say Good Morning?

“Good morning” and “Tell me about my day” are offered up by default, but you can add custom phrases by writing them out as you’d say them. A “Good Morning” routine is already set up for you in the Google Home mobile app. Then, under “My Assistant should…” you can choose your actions.

How to integrate Google Home into your morning routine?

The next step in integrating the Google Home into your morning routine is to program it with a string of commands to perform when you utter the magic words. Google recently consolidated its once-separate Shortcuts feature into its Routines feature, and now you can set it all up from the same menu screen.

What is the Good Morning routine?

With the Good Morning Routine, your Assistant can turn on your lights, brief you on your day, tell you about the weather, play music, and more. All when you say “Good morning”, “Tell me about my day”, or other commands.

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