Quelle est la signification de sacrifice?

Quelle est la signification de sacrifice?

 sacrifice 1. Offrande à une divinité et, en particulier, immolation de victimes. 2. Renoncement volontaire à quelque chose, perte qu’on accepte, privation, en particulier sur le plan financier : Faire de grands sacrifices pour ses enfants.

Quel est l’autre nom d’un sacrifice?

holocauste, immolation, oblation, offrande. Agréer un sacrifice; faire, offrir un sacrifice; offrir qqc. en sacrifice (à un dieu). Il l’instruisoit de tous les usages des sacrifices: il lui montroit à choisir la génisse sans tache (…), à répandre l’orge sacrée (Chateaubr., Martyrs, t.

Quels sont les avantages de la dîme?

Parfois, la dîme est obligatoire et le sujet occupe une grande partie de chaque culte. Des promesses de guérison divine et de prospérité sont garanties en échange de certains montants de dons. La fidélité dans la dîme permettrait de s’éviter les malédictions de Dieu, les attaques du diable et la pauvreté.

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What does it mean to sacrifice?

Sacrifice is defined as to give something up or to sell something at a price which is less than its value. An example of sacrifice is to give up candy for Lent.

What’s the definition of sacrifice?

1 : an act of offering to a deity something precious especially : the killing of a victim on an altar. 2 : something offered in sacrifice.

What does sacrifices mean?

sacrificed; sacrificing. Kids Definition of sacrifice (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : to offer or kill as a religious act The ancient ritual involved sacrificing an animal. 2 : to give up (something) especially for the sake of something or someone else They sacrificed their lives for their country.

What is the Bible definition of sacrifice?

Series > Bible Dictionary >. (1) To sacrifice something that is valuable or important means to give it away for someone, or for God. To sacrifice an animal means to kill it as an offering to God (or to false gods). — (2) Something that is important to you that you give to someone else for a special reason.

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