Qui a tue Bill Forbes?

Qui a tué Bill Forbes?

Pour pas que Tyler ne fasse de mal à sa fille, il accepte de l’aider mais Tyler sans le vouloir, mord Bill. Meredith le soigne avec le sang de Damon, mais il meurt tué par le côté sombre de Alaric.

Qui a tué le père de Caroline?

Affaire Francisco Arce Montes

Nature de l’arme Étouffée avec un morceau de coton ouaté
Date 18 juillet 1996
Nombre de victimes 1 : Caroline Dickinson
Statut Affaire jugée

Does Caroline get pregnant on the Vampire Diaries?

They cast a spell that allowed Caroline to become pregnant with the twins. In Mommie Dearest, Caroline and Alaric spend their day together to test if Caroline is really pregnant. No test was working and they felt that Valerie messed with them. However, Valerie walked in the middle of their sonogram to see I feel her babies were shown.

Who turns Caroline Forbes in the Vampire Diaries?

Katherine turned Caroline into a vampire, a short while after the latter got hospitalized, and about few hours after Katherine returned to Mystic Falls. Originally, Katherine planned to hand her over to Klaus to use her as the vampire in the sacrifice to break the Curse.

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Who does Caroline stay with in Vampire Diaries?

Caroline has chosen to stay with Alaric to help raise his babies rather than accompany Stefan Salvatore, her boyfriend at that time, on the run from Rayna Cruz. It seems that both of them didn’t sleep together during their engagement, being they are sleeping in separated bedrooms. Alaric admitted to falling in love with her.

What happened to Caroline and Klaus in Vampire Diaries?

There were many fans that wanted Caroline to go from the vampire diaries to the original to stay with Klaus, but after Klaus’ death, the fans were heartbroken In the end, Caroline married Stefan, but Stefan died at the end of the series. Although Caroline ended with Stefan, the relationship between Klaus and Caroline was not resolved.

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