Comment appeler le prince Albert de Monaco?

Comment appeler le prince Albert de Monaco?

S.A.S. le Prince Albert, Alexandre, Louis, Pierre, Prince Souverain de Monaco, est né le 14 mars 1958. Son Altesse est le fils du Prince Rainier III, Louis Henri-Maxence-Bertrand, (31 mai 1923 – 6 avril 2005) et de la Princesse Grace, née Kelly, (Philadelphie (U.S.A.) 12 novembre 1929 – Monaco, 14 septembre 1982).

Comment Appelle-t-on le prince Rainier de Monaco?

Le prince souverain de Monaco est désigné comme altesse sérénissime, prédicat accordé par le roi Louis XIV.

Où est le prince de Monaco?

Liste des souverains de Monaco

Prince de Monaco
Armoiries princières.
Résidence officielle Palais de Monaco
Site internet

Quel est l’âge du prince Albert de Monaco?

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63 ans (14 mars 1958)
Albert II/Âge

Pourquoi SAS prince Albert?

Son abréviation à la troisième personne du singulier (S.A.S.) a été popularisée avec la série des romans d’espionnage S.A.S. de Gérard de Villiers, dont le héros était un prince autrichien, Malko Linge.

How many children does Albert Prince of Monaco have?

Prince Albert of Monaco is the father to four children. But for years, his first-born daughter Jazmin Grace Grimaldi , 25, and his first-born son Alexandre Coste , 14, have lived the life of commoners. While his twins with Charlene of Monaco , Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella , two, have been raised royal.

Who rules Monaco now?

Prince Albert is the reigning sovereign of Monaco : His Serene Highness (HSH, for short) is the official head of state, and holds legislative, executive, and judicial power. Wait, did you say prince? Albert may have more responsibilities than the average monarch. He may be the scion of the oldest dynasty in Europe (700 years).

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Is Monaco a monarchy?

Monaco. Monaco is a principality governed under a form of constitutional monarchy, with Prince Albert II as head of state. Although Prince Albert II is a constitutional monarch, he wields immense political power. The House of Grimaldi have ruled Monaco, with brief interruptions, since 1297.

Who is Prince Albert II of Monaco?

Albert II (Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre Grimaldi; born 14 March 1958) is the Sovereign Prince of Monaco and head of the Princely House of Grimaldi. He is the son of Prince Rainier III and Princess Grace.

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