Comment changer un compte Administrateur Microsoft?

Comment changer un compte Administrateur Microsoft?

Voici les étapes à suivre :

  1. Connectez-vous sur le compte Administrateur (celui de votre ex-conjoint)
  2. Rendez-vous dans les paramètres.
  3. Cliquez sur Comptes > Famille et autres utilisateurs.
  4. Cliquez sur le compte local que vous venez de créer.
  5. Cliquez sur Changer le type de compte.
  6. Changez le statut de Standard pour Admin.

How to replace administrator Windows 10?

Search for Command Prompt or cmd and click on the application from the list.

  • On the right side,it will open a new menu; from that menu,click on the ‘Run as administrator’ option.
  • Now in the Command prompt window,type as stated,replace the name with the user’s name,then type ‘net localgroup Administrators’ “NAME”/add’.
  • How to change account to administrator?

    First of all, open the Control Panel. Set the View by option to Category. Click Change account type below the « User Accounts and Family Safety » (or

  • On the Manage Accounts window, click to select the standard user account you want to promote to administrator.
  • Click the Change the account type option from the left.
  • Select the Administrator radio button and click the Change Account Type button. Now, the account should be an administrator.
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    How to change Microsoft administrator on PC?

    In the search box on the taskbar, type Computer Management and select it from the list.

  • Select the arrow next to Local Users and Groups to expand it.
  • Select Users.
  • Right-click Administrator and select Rename.
  • Type a new name. Note that you’ll need to be the administrator to change this name.
  • How to change from local to administrator?

    Open an elevated Command Prompt.

  • In the Command Prompt,you can use the net localgroup command to promote any user to an administrator.
  • Now,the account should be an administrator.
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