Comment citer un article Code du travail?

Comment citer un article Code du travail?

Pour citer un article de code officiel, vous devez indiquer en bibliographie :

  1. le nom du code ;
  2. le numéro de l’article.

How do you cite a journal article?

In this case, cite the author and title of article as you normally would. Then, put the title of the journal in italics. Include the volume number (“vol.”) and issue number (“no.”) when possible, separated by commas. Finally, add the year and page numbers.

How do I cite an online newspaper article in MLA?

Online sources such as newspaper articles are cited in a bibliography in the same way as other print sources. List the author’s last name, followed by a comma, followed by the first name and a period. For example, « Wright, Steven. ». If there is no author, do not write anything in that spot.

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How do you reference a journal?

The Basic Structure When Referencing a Journal Article in APA Format : Start by listing the authors last name and first initials, followed by the date of publication in parentheses. Provide the title of the article, but only capitalize the first letter of the title. Next, list the journal or periodical and volume number in italics.

How to cite a newspaper article?

1) Start with the name of the author. If there is a by-line for the article you want to cite, your bibliographic citation should begin with the author’s last name. 2) Type the title of the article in quotation marks. After the name of the author, provide the full title of the article along with any subtitle. 3) Provide the name of the newspaper in italics. After the name of the article, identify the newspaper in which the article appeared. 4) Include the date the article was published and the page number. After the name of the newspaper, type the date the article was published using day-month-year format. 5) List the database or website for online articles. If you found the article on an online newspaper database, italicize the name of the database. 6) Use the author’s name and page number for in-text citations.

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