Comment desactiver temporairement AVG Antivirus?

Comment désactiver temporairement AVG Antivirus?

Cliquez avec le bouton droit sur l’icône AVG de la zone de notification de la barre des tâches de Windows, puis dans le menu qui s’affiche, cliquez sur le curseur vert en face de Protection activée. Cliquez sur OK, arrêter pour confirmer que vous souhaitez désactiver toutes les protections AVG.

Comment désinstaller AVG Free?

Désinstaller depuis les paramètres de l’appareil

  1. Ouvrez les Paramètres de votre appareil et accédez à Applications.
  2. Sélectionnez AVG Antivirus.
  3. Sélectionnez Désinstaller.
  4. Si vous y êtes invité, appuyez sur Désactiver et désinstaller.
  5. Appuyez sur OK pour confirmer la désinstallation.

How do I Activate my AVG AntiVirus subscription?

Click Go ▸ Applications in the menu bar, then double-click the AVG AntiVirus icon to open the application. Ensure the AVG AntiVirus window is active, then click AVG AntiVirus ▸ Subscriptions on the left side of the menu bar. Type or paste your activation code (including hyphens), then click Activate.

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What do I do if my Avg activation is unsuccessful?

If activation is unsuccessful, refer to the Still need help? section in this article. Locate your activation code. This is included in your order confirmation email. For detailed instructions, refer to the following article: Double-click the AVG AntiVirus icon in your Applications folder to open the application.

How do I enable AVG Internet Security on Windows 10?

Go to AVG Internet Security, and click enter the sign-in key from your browser. Click in the text box, then press the Ctrl key and the V key on your keyboard simultaneously to paste the sign-in key. Click Continue.

How do I re-open AVG AntiVirus on Chrome?

When prompted by Google Chrome to re-open AVG Antivirus, click Open AVG Antivirus. If more than one product is associated with your AVG Account, ensure the products you want to use are selected, then click Activate & install. The products you selected are installed and activated automatically.

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