Comment ecouter musique gratuite sur Sonos?

Comment ecouter musique gratuite sur Sonos?

Il est désormais possible de diffuser Spotify Free sur Sonos, via une nouvelle mise à jour gratuite disponible ce jour. Spotify Free permet de profiter de l’ensemble du catalogue Spotify en mode aléatoire, ce qui facilite l’écoute de musique, de podcasts et bien plus encore.

Comment ecouter sa playlist sur Sonos?

Lorsque vous écoutez des titres depuis votre appareil Android, celui-ci doit rester allumé et connecté à votre réseau….Diffuser de la musique à partir de «Cet appareil mobile»

  1. Ouvrez l’application Sonos pour Android.
  2. Dans l’onglet Parcourir, appuyez sur Cet appareil mobile.
  3. Choisissez la musique que vous voulez jouer.

How to connect Pandora to Sonos?

Once you’re done that, open the Sonos app and navigate to the Settings tab. Then, go to Services & Voice. Find and select Music & Content, followed by Add a Service. Now, you’ll see a list of available services. On the list, you’ll find Pandora. Select it and tap Add to Sonos.

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Why can’t I see the thumbs up/down function on the Sonos app?

This can be very neat, as it allows you to like/dislike things on Pandora without having to use the actual Pandora app. Well, now that you’ve signed in using a different Pandora account, you no longer see the thumbs up/down function on the Sonos app. How come? Well, that’s because your Sonos and Pandora accounts have been connected.

How do I connect my Sonos device to my phone?

Start by installing the Sonos app on your phone/tablet device and sign in/create an account. Once you’re done that, open the Sonos app and navigate to the Settings tab. Then, go to Services & Voice. Find and select Music & Content, followed by Add a Service. Now, you’ll see a list of available services.

How do I reset the password on my Sonos account?

Use your Sonos login details to log in to your account, or register one to engage with the community. Enter your username or e-mail address to receive an e-mail with instructions to reset your password. Scanning file for viruses. Sorry, we’re still checking this file’s contents to make sure it’s safe to download.

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