Comment ecrire future en anglais?

Comment écrire future en anglais?

Elle sera heureuse d’entendre la nouvelle.

  1. 1.1 Future simple. ➤ SUJET + WILL + BASE VERBALE.
  2. 1.2 Future continuous. ➤ SUJET + WILL BE + PARTICIPE PRÉSENT*
  3. 1.3 Future perfect simple. ➤ SUJET + WILL HAVE + PARTICIPE PASSÉ*
  4. 1.4 Future perfect continuous. ➤ SUJET + WILL HAVE BEEN + PARTICIPE PRÉSENT.

Quand Emploie-t-on Will en anglais?

On utilise will quand l’action que l’on veut faire est décidée au moment où l’on parle. C’est quelque chose de nouveau. Ex: ‘My sister is sick. – I didn’t know, I’ll visit her tomorrow.

Quand employer Will?


  1. On décide de faire quelque chose au moment où nous parlons.
  2. On pense ou que l’on sait que quelque chose va arriver dans le futur (ou une promesse par exemple)
  3. On offre ou accepte quelque chose.
  4. On utilise WILL (not) + [VERB] + -ing pour dire qu’une action sera en cours dans le futur.
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Quand mettre WON’T?

Négation de l’auxiliaire will . I won’t talk in class. Je ne parlerai pas en classe.

Comment se forme Will en anglais?

Une phrase au futur avec will se construit ainsi : Sujet + WILL + Base Verbale. I will cook for dinner. (Après WILL, comme après tous les modaux, les verbes sont INVARIABLES, et on ne met jamais TO.

Comment conjuguer to be au futur en anglais?

futur simple futur du passé
you will be you will have been
he will be he will have been
she will be she will have been
it will be it will have been

When to use the word be going to?

When to use GOING TO. The structure BE GOING TO is normally used to indicate the future but with some type of connection to the present. We use it in the following situations: 1. When we have already decided or we INTEND to do something in the future. (Prior Plan) The decision has been made before the moment of speaking.

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What is the difference between Will and going to the future?

Even though most native speakers use these two interchangeably,  » will « , also referred as simple future, has some grammatical differences from  » going to  » (planned future).

How to use’will’and’be going to’in sentences?

I’ll call you when I get home. She’s going to study after she finishes dinner. Please drink some water as soon as you complete the race. Try an exercise about ‘will’ and ‘be going to’ here. Need more practice?

When to use’will’and’going to’in English?

We use « going to » to talk about a planned activity for future. A: There is a good movie on TV tonight. B: Yes. I know. I am going to watch it. A: Why is Betty in a hurry? B: Because she is going to meet her brother at the station at six. 2. We use « will » when we decide to do something at the time of speaking. A: What would you like to drink, sir?

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