Comment envoyer un message vocal sur Outlook?

Comment envoyer un message vocal sur Outlook?

> courrier > général > messagerie vocale….

  1. Sous Messagerie vocale, sélectionnez Notifications.
  2. Cliquez sur Modifier les paramètres de messagerie texte.
  3. Sélectionnez une option de messagerie texte, puis cliquez sur Enregistrer.

Comment envoyer un message vocal sur une adresse mail?

Envoyer un mail vocal? Simple, nous diriez-vous ! Il suffit de brancher le microphone, de lancer le logiciel « magnétophone », d’enregistrer le fichier son au bon format, puis de le placer en pièce jointe dans un nouveau message en plaçant un petit commentaire.

How to dictate an email in Microsoft 365?

Start a New Email and go to Message > Dictate while signed into Microsoft 365 on a mic-enabled device. Wait for the button to turn on and start listening. Move your cursor to the Subject line start dictating. Move your cursor to the body of the email and continue dictating your desired message.

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How do I use the Dictation feature in outlook?

Wait for the button to turn on and start listening. Move your cursor to the Subject line start dictating. Move your cursor to the body of the email and continue dictating your desired message. Insert punctuation at any time by saying them explicitly.

What is dictate and how to use it?

It’s a quick and easy way to draft emails, send replies, and capture the tone you’re going for. Start a New Email and go to Message > Dictate while signed into Microsoft 365 on a mic-enabled device. Wait for the button to turn on and start listening. Move your cursor to the Subject line start dictating.

How do I use dynamicdictation in Microsoft Office 365?

Dictation lets you use speech-to-text to author content in Office with a microphone and reliable internet connection. It’s a quick and easy way to draft emails, send replies, and capture the tone you’re going for. Start a New Email and go to Message > Dictate while signed into Microsoft 365 on a mic-enabled device.

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