Comment faire un sondage sur Facebook en 2021?

Comment faire un sondage sur Facebook en 2021?

Ouvrez Facebook sur votre smartphone (Android ou iOS). Dans les options disponibles en haut, appuyez Sondage. Appuyez dans le champ Posez une question pour saisir la question de votre sondage. Appuyez ensuite sur les champs sur Oui et Non pour personnaliser les réponses.

Comment crée une question à choix multiple sur Facebook?

Comment créer ou modifier un sondage dans un groupe Facebook?

  1. Cliquez sur Écrivez quelque chose…
  2. Sélectionnez Sondage.
  3. Saisissez une question, puis appuyez sur Ajoutez un choix de réponse… pour renseigner les réponses que les membres du groupe pourront sélectionner.
  4. Appuyez sur Publier.

What are the 10 best questions to ask your Facebook fans?

Make sure with our list of the 10 best questions to ask your Facebook fans: 1. Fill in the blank Because who doesn’t love playing Mad Libs? This is a great way to find out what your fans are thinking about and to get new ideas. 2. Survey

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What would you rather ask someone on Facebook?

Would You Rather? For something a little sillier but no less engaging, try asking a “would you rather” question. For whatever reason, people love answering these questions, and the sillier or more ridiculous, the better. These ridiculous scenarios will definitely get people talking on Facebook: Would you rather play a villain or a hero in a movie?

Does the structure of a question on Facebook make a difference?

However, a slightly different structure may inspire different results. Some people may be more compelled to answer a question if they are faced with a blank space to fill, and fill in the blank questions will be unique to most people on Facebook, which may yield some interesting responses.

What should you not ask on a Facebook Marketplace post?

Avoid asking about two topics at once or asking multiple questions on one topic. Finally, its best to avoid sounding like a robot or sounding like you are only interested in selling your product or service. Get the latest insights on consumers’ Facebook behavior in our 2017 Facebook UGC Benchmark Report

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