Comment installer Exchange Server?

Comment installer Exchange Server?

Télécharger la dernière version d’Exchange 2016 (CU19). Installer le Framework ….

  1. Sur le serveur ouvrir une invite de commande PowerShell et entrer la commande ci-dessous pour installer les rôles nécessaires. ps-ex2016-install-prerequisite.ps1 643 Bytes.
  2. Redémarrer le serveur.
  3. Monter l’ISO Exchange.

Comment installer un serveur Exchange 2019?

Installation d’exchange 2019

  1. Monter le support d’installation d’aperçu d’Exchange Server 2019, en double-cliquant sur le fichier ISO.
  2. Démarrez l’installation d’Exchange 2019 en double-cliquant sur Setup.exe.
  3. Décochez l’option concernant la mise à jour d’exchange si vous souhaitez gagner du temps lors de l’installation.

What is the use of Active Directory in Exchange Server?

Exchange uses Active Directory to store information about mailboxes and the configuration of Exchange servers in the organization.

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What is exchange 2013 Active Directory topology service?

The Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology service runs on all Exchange 2013 server roles. This service reads information from all Active Directory partitions. The data that is retrieved is cached and is used by Exchange 2013 servers to discover the Active Directory site location of all Exchange services in the organization.

How long does it take to implement Active Directory in exchange?

Estimated time to complete: 10-15 minutes or more (not including Active Directory replication), depending on organization size and the number of child domains. The computer that you use for these procedures needs to meet the system requirements for Exchange. Verify that your Active Directory meets the requirements for Exchange:

What is the Active Directory directory cache service?

This service reads information from all Active Directory partitions. The data that is retrieved is cached and is used by Exchange servers to discover the Active Directory site location of all Exchange services in the organization.

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