Comment Louis Armstrong a popularise le scat?

Comment Louis Armstrong a popularisé le scat?

Armstrong n’était pas le premier à enregistrer du chant scat, mais il l’aida à le populariser. Il eut du succès avec son interprétation et son chant scat sur Heebie Jeebies, et criait « I done forgot the words » au milieu de son enregistrement « I’m A Ding Dong Daddy From Dumas ».

Qui a créé le scat?

Mais qui a bien pu avoir cette idée? Nous sommes en 1926 et Louis Armstrong enregistre une version de Heebie Jeebies. C’est alors que lui échappe le petit papier sur lequel sont écrites les paroles de la chanson… le maître se lance alors dans un génial exercice d’improvisation vocale, le tout sur de simples syllabes.

Comment Nomme-t-on l’improvisation sur des onomatopées?

Le scat est une forme de jazz vocal à base d’improvisation musicale, de simples syllabes, d’onomatopées rythmiques, ou d’imitations vocales d’instruments de musique, dénuées de sens, de style « Diga Diga Doo… » en guise de paroles (variante des vocalises, autre forme de jazz vocal qui, lui, fait des reprises vocales …

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What did Louis Armstrong do in the 1930s?

Louis Armstrong biographer Thomas Brothers said (via The Penn Gazette) that by the 1930s, Armstrong was a « modern, sophisticated, Northern, well-paid musician, » but at the same time, there were still things that he absolutely couldn’t get away with… like sitting next to a white woman on a bus.

What happened to Louis Armstrong’s father?

According to historian Dalton Anthony Jones (via the University of Michigan ), the memoir sheds a tragic light on the man behind the famous smile. History says that Armstrong’s father abandoned his young family when he was just a child, and his mother — still a teenager herself — was occasionally forced into prostitution to support her children.

Was Louis Armstrong bombed but not scared?

It was called « When It’s Sleepy Time Down South, » and it was a romanticized anthem to the days of the slave-owning South. The 1950s were ripe with racial tensions, and in 1957, Louis Armstrong became a target. On February 20, the Desert Sun ran with this shocking headline: « Satchmo Bombed, But Not Scared. »

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Why did Dizzy Gillespie hate Louis Armstrong?

Dizzy Gillespie was just one of the performers who hated Louis Armstrong’s stage persona — according to The Chicago Tribune, Gillespie once described him as promoting the « plantation image. »

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