Comment regler le son de son micro?

Comment régler le son de son micro?

Configurer son microphone

  1. Cliquez avec le bouton droit de la souris sur l’icône de volume dans la barre des tâches.
  2. Cliquez sur Son.
  3. Dans la fenêtre qui s’ouvre, cliquez sur l’onglet Enregistrement.
  4. Cliquez sur votre microphone dans la liste puis cliquez sur Configurer.
  5. Cliquez sur Configurer le micro.

How do I Test my Microphone?

If the microphone operates on battery power,make sure the batteries are correctly seated and are functional

  • If the microphone has a volume control,make sure it is turned up half way.
  • Disconnect the microphone from the computer port,and then re-connect it
  • Connect the microphone to another device,such as another computer,and then try to use it.
  • How do you test microphone on your computer?

    Testing a Microphone. Swipe your mouse to the top-right corner of your screen, click the « Search » charm and enter « Sound » in the search box. Click « Sound » on the list of search results to open the Sound settings dialog. Select the « Recording » tab, click your microphone on the list of available recording devices and then speak into the microphone.

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    How to tell if my computer has a microphone?

    Open the Control Panel . If using the Category view, click on Hardware and Sound, then click on Sound. If using the Small icons view, click the Sound option. In the Sound window, click the Recording tab. If your computer has an external or internal microphone, it will be listed in the Recording tab.

    How do you turn on microphone on HP laptop?

    Right-click the « Speaker » icon by the clock on the computer’s taskbar. Click « Recording devices » from the pop-up window to select the microphone. Right-click the menu box and a pop-up box will appear. Click « Show disabled devices » and « Integrated microphone » should appear in the box.

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