Comment Romeo rencontre Juliette?

Comment Roméo rencontre Juliette?

Roméo croyant y trouver Rosaline s’invite avec ses amis Benvolio et Mercutio à ce grand bal masqué. Il aperçoit Juliette et reste médusé devant sa beauté. Il tombe follement amoureux d’elle; le coup de foudre est réciproque. Il s’approche d’elle et l’embrasse à deux reprises puis se retire.

Comment Roméo Est-il présenté par ses proches avant qu’il entre en scène?

Roméo, Benvolio et Mercutio se présentent masqués à la demeure des Capulet. Roméo confie à Mercutio son inquiétant pressentiment : il sait qu’à cette fête son destin va être bouleversé et qu’il marche irrémédiablement vers la mort.

What does Capulet tell Tybalt to calm down?

Capulet tells Tybalt to calm down, that Romeo is indeed a good man. “ [Romeo] bears him like a portly gentleman, and, to say truth, Verona brags of him to be a virtuous and well-governed youth”.

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Who is Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet?

Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin and a confrontational fighter with a history with Romeo, identifies his voice, and immediately prepares to fight, as Capulet tells him to leave Romeo alone. In the passage in question, Tybalt hears Romeo and immediately asks his page to fetch his rapier.

How is Tybalt characterized throughout the play?

Throughout the story, Tybalt is characterized as an impulsive, peace-hating man. During the first fight between the Montagues and Capulets, Tybalt exclaims that he hates the word, “‘ [peace]/As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee./Have at thee, coward!’” (Act I, Scene 1, lines 68-69).

Does Capulet’s praise of Romeo to Tybalt foreshadow his death?

When one initially reads this scene, it just seems that Capulet is exhibiting his wisdom by being accepting of a rival family, but in hindsight, it is evident that Capulet’s praising of Romeo to Tybalt is just ironic foreshadowing pointing to his death around the corner. “You are a saucy boy. Is ‘t so, indeed?

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