Comment synchroniser une montre intelligente?

Comment synchroniser une montre intelligente?

Pour utiliser votre montre intelligente, commencez par la connecter à votre téléphone à l’aide de l’application Wear OS….Configurer votre montre

  1. Rechargez votre montre et votre téléphone.
  2. Activez le Bluetooth sur votre téléphone.
  3. Assurez-vous que votre montre et votre téléphone sont compatibles.

Comment connecter une montre intelligente au telephone?

Comment connecter une smartwatch à un téléphone Android?

  1. Étape 1 : pour commencer, ouvrez le Google Play Store depuis votre smartphone et téléchargez l’application Android Wear.
  2. Étape 2 : une fois votre application Android Wear fonctionnelle, vous devez activer le Bluetooth sur votre smartphone.

Comment connecter ma montre à mon téléphone Samsung?

Rassurez-vous la procédure est extrêmement simple.

  1. Ouvrez l’application Play Store sur votre smartphone.
  2. Tapez dans le module de recherche Samsung Gear puis cliquez sur le bouton installer.
  3. Lancez ensuite l’application.
  4. Appuyez sur le bouton Se connecter à Gear.
  5. Allumez ensuite votre montre.
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Is oshenwatch creating reviews to convince you to buy oshenwatch?

OshenWatch Customer Image gotten from Online It seems the suppliers of OshenWatch are trying to be smart by creating fictitious reviews in order to convince you to buy OshenWatch. But then, we discovered there are more than three sales page for OshenWatch, and the copied image is not applicable to them all.

How do I get a 50\% discount on my oshenwatch?

You might have come across the OshenWatch Ad on Facebook or google, and found yourself on page listing the features of this smart watch. When you click ‘to buy’ you would be taken to the sales page of Where you would see a green header that says ‘Your 50\% discount has been applied”

Do oshenwatches measure heart rate?

Falsified average human data algorithm If you are thinking of purchasing an Oshenwatch.. please DON’T. Hear me now but believe me later.. Oshenwatches use a falsified algorithm of average human data. They do NOT measure YOUR heart rate, or YOUR sleep time, or YOUR blood pressure.. they just show you an average one and slightly alter it each time.

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Were you dumb enough to buy two Oshen watches?

And to think i gave an expensive and useless birthday gift…yes, i was dumb enough to buy two. I ordered an oshen watch via internet on 18th, MAY it arrived months later in a tiny package.I could find any leads so as I can attempt to charge the watch, it looked very suspicious took it to a jeweler who told me it was a fake.

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