Comment telecharger Google Chrome gratuitement?

Comment télécharger Google Chrome gratuitement?

Installer Chrome

  1. Sur votre téléphone ou votre tablette Android, accédez à Google Chrome.
  2. Appuyez sur Installer.
  3. Appuyez sur Accepter.
  4. Pour démarrer la navigation, accédez aux pages « Accueil » ou « Toutes les applications ». Appuyez sur l’application Chrome .

Comment télécharger Google Chrome en français?

Pour télécharger Google Chrome en français, cliquez sur le lien correspondant à votre système d’exploitation : télécharger Chrome Windows (Windows Seven, Windows 8, Windows 10 ou Windows 11) télécharger Chrome Mac.

Why is Google Chrome not downloading?

NETWORK_FAILED. You may see the network failed error when trying to install something from the Chrome Web Store.

  • Download Blocked. If you see the “Failed – Blocked” error message in Chrome,it’s likely that your computer’s security settings blocked the file.
  • No File or File Missing.
  • Virus Scan Failed or Virus Detected.
  • Disk Full.
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    How do you install Google Chrome browser?

    Installing Google Chrome℠: Launch your current Internet browser and go to the Google Chrome℠ homepage. Click on the blue “Download Google Chrome” button. Read the Google Chrome℠ Terms of Service and click on the “Accept and Install” button. Save the installation file to your computer and launch it.

    How do I load Google Chrome browser?

    1) Download the installation file. 2) If prompted, click Run or Save. 3) If you chose Save, double-click the download to start installing. 4) Start Chrome: – Windows 7: A Chrome window opens once everything is done.- Windows 8 & 8.1: A welcome dialogue appears. Click Next to select your default browser.- Windows 10: A Chrome window opens after See More…

    Is Google Chrome free?

    Google Chrome is a fast, free web browser. Before you download, you can check if Chrome supports your operating system and you have all the other system requirements. Computer Android iPhone & iPad Install Chrome on Windows

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