Comment transferer un EPUB sur Kindle?

Comment transférer un EPUB sur Kindle?

Cliquez sur le bouton Ajouter des livres. Sélectionnez votre fichier ePub et validez. Sélectionnez-le dans la liste des livres et cliquez sur Convertir les livres. Déroulez la liste Format de sortie et sélectionnez l’option PDF qui compatible avec le Kindle.

Est-ce que le format Kindle est compatible avec Kobo?

Donc, de base, les ebooks Kindle et Kobo ne sont pas compatibles entre eux. Mais nous allons voir qu’il est possible – sous certaines conditions – de contourner cela pour lire un ebook Kobo sur Kindle et lire un ebook Kindle sur Kobo.

Quel format de fichier pour liseuse Kobo?

Les liseuses Kobo

Kobo Nia
Formats de fichiers ebooks EPUB, EPUB3, PDF, MOBI, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF, TXT, HTML, RTF, CBZ, CBR
Bluetooth (lecture des livres audio Kobo) Non
Filtre de la lumière bleue Non
Autre La moins chère de la gamme. 8 Go de stockage.
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What is Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)?

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is Amazon’s book publishing platform that can be used to self-publish a book online, which readers can purchase as an eBook or print-on-demand book. It is one of the top self-publishing companies , and currently dominates the self-publishing book market.

How do I self-publish on KDP?

The second section to self-publish on KDP includes these steps: 1 Verify your publishing territories 2 Set your pricing and royalty (more on this below) 3 Kindle Matchbook 4 Kindle Book Lending 5 Optional – KDP Select Benefits

How to make money with KDP Select?

Enroll in KDP Select and earn more money through Kindle Unlimited and the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library. Keep control. Keep control of your rights and set your own list prices. Make changes to your books at any time. Publish in digital and print. Publish Kindle eBooks and paperbacks for free on KDP.

How do KDP royalties work for authors?

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How do KDP royalties work? Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing pays its authors through royalty fees. There are two royalty fees to consider: the eBook royalty rates, and the paperback royalty rates. The royalty rate for eBooks is 35\% or 70\%, depending on which royalty rate your book is eligible for.

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