Comment utiliser le mot quintessence?

Comment utiliser le mot quintessence?

Vous avez certainement déjà entendu une personne commenter un ouvrage en indiquant : « Ce chapitre est la quintessence du livre. » Le mot « quintessence » a plusieurs significations. Il s’agit en effet de la partie essentielle de quelque chose, ou de ce qui s’y trouve de plus précieux et de plus raffiné.

Comment Rousseau définit il la perfectibilité?

La non- nature humaine est une nature ouverte. C’est celle de son histoire, une histoire qu’il fait, tout autant qu’elle le fait. – La perfectibilité constitue ainsi l’homme comme l’être dont la nature est de transformer la nature en lui (éducation) et hors de lui (travail).

What does the name quintessence mean?

Webster Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Quintessence(noun) the fifth or last and highest essence or power in a natural body. Quintessence(noun) hence: An extract from anything, containing its rarest virtue, or most subtle and essential constituent in a small quantity; pure or concentrated essence.

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What does quintessence mean?

Quintessence is someone or something that is a classic example of a characteristic or persona. When a person is a classic example of someone who is polite, this is an example of a person who is thequintessence of good manners.

What is an example of Quintessence in a sentence?

Examples of Quintessence in a sentence Hillary has always been the quintessence of high fashion, so I was taken aback when I saw her wearing an old, saggy pair of jeans and a ragged T-shirt. 🔊 Babies are the quintessence of purity; if only we could preserve that sweetness for a lifetime. 🔊

Does the quintessence exist?

Aether, also known as the quintessence, is the substance that fills the region above the terrestrial sphere. Basically, it does not exist on Earth but is permeated throughout space, sometimes even thought to be located in celestial bodies themselves. This aspect dates back to no earlier than ancient Greece.

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