Is Fleur Delacour a Veela?

Is Fleur Delacour a Veela?

Fleur was quarter-veela, and grew up in France. She grew up with her parents Monsieur Delacour and her half-veela mother Apolline Delacour. She also had a much younger sister, Gabrielle. Fleur’s grandmother was full Veela and at some point contributed a hair, that would later become the core element of Fleur’s wand.

Is Ginny a Veela?

Otherwise, Ginny, Lily, and Cho were also described as popular and attractive, as far as fully-human girls go. Ignoring Fleur Delacour (since she is descended from a Veela and pretty much incomparable with normal humans), the most beautiful character would be Ginny Weasley.

Is Fleur a Hufflepuff?

So based on what I said, Fleur Delacour is more of a Ravenclaw. , Lived for a few years in the UK as a student.

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Is Gabrielle Delacour a Veela?

Gabrielle Delacour was a quarter-Veela French witch, the daughter of Monsieur Delacour and Apolline Delacour.

Is Luna Lovegood a veela?

Luna Maria Maximoff (born 9 April 1999) was a Veela witch and eldest child of Pietro and Fleur Maximoff (née Delacour). She was the elder sister of Donatello and Vittoria Maximoff and the goddaughter of Mateo and Gabrielle Maximoff.

Is Victoire Weasley a veela?

Victoire Weasley (b. 2 May, early 2000s) was a part-veela witch and the eldest child of Bill and Fleur Weasley (née Delacour). She has two younger siblings, Dominique and Louis Weasley.

Is Fleur Delacour a Slytherin?

Fleur Delacour = Slytherin. She’s always trying to be the and act the best in any situation. Her Ambition in being the most dominant in the room propels her and she is fiercly loyal to her family like many Slytherins are.

Is Victoire Weasley a Ravenclaw?

She was sorted into Ravenclaw becoming the first Weasley not to be sorted into Gryffindor which shocked the sorting hat more than anyone, being totally prepared to sort her into Gryffindor like all her family before her. Bill blames it on Fleur and Fleur couldn’t be prouder of her little girl.

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Was Fleur Delacour a Weasley?

Fleur Isabelle Weasley (née Delacour) (born c. 1977) was a French, quarter-Veela witch daughter of Monsieur and Apolline Delacour and elder sister of Gabrielle. Fleur began attending the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic in 1988. Fleur fought alongside her husband during the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998.

Did Harry have to save Fleur’s sister?

Gabrielle is Fleur’s younger sister. The merpeople choose to hold Gabrielle underwater for Fleur to come rescue during the second Triwizard task. But Fleur gets tangled up in grindylows and can’t reach her sister in time. Fleur is incredibly grateful that Harry saved her little sister, and even gives Harry (and Ron!)

Is Draco part-veela?

Summary: Draco Malfoy is a half-veela, and when he comes into his inheritance on his seventeenth birthday, he needs to find a mate. They would be all half. The only part-veela characters in canon are Fleur and her family.

Who does Lily Luna marry?

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Later on in life Lily becomes an aunt three more times: once to James’ son Jace Potter and to Albus’ two daughters Alexis Potter and Savanna Potter. Lily also goes on to marry childhood bestfriend/boyfriend Lysander Scamander and the pair goes on to have one daughter Lyra Scamander born in 2040.

How did Fleur’s Veela affect Ron Weasley?

— Fleur’s Veela magic having a profound effect on Ron Weasley [src] Fleur was a talented and able witch, which was shown by her selection as the Beauxbatons Champion by the Goblet of Fire. Though circumstances in the Tournament conspired against her, and she was unable to fully showcase her talents.

Did Fleur have the Veela gift?

Certainly, Fleur drew men in like no other but she’d never been able to use the thrall like the first Veela Hermione had ever seen at the Quiditch world cup just before her fourth year at Hogwarts started. More often then not those Veela who didn’t at least have one full Veela parent didn’t show the Veela gift.

Is Pietro immune to Fleur’s Veela allure?

Mariette LeBlanc:  » Yup, he’s immune to Fleur’s allure.  » — Fleur and her friends upon witnessing Pietro’s immunity to Fleur’s Veela allure.

What do Veela look like?

Veela are described as looking like incredibly beautiful women, with moon-bright skin and white-gold hair that fans out behind them despite the absence of wind.

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