Pourquoi on met s en anglais?

Pourquoi on met s en anglais?

L’apostrophe S est une autre manière d’exprimer la possession. Commençons avec deux exemples : Quand je dis : Mark′s house is a small but beautiful place.

Est-ce que l’apostrophe est un pronom?

Qu’est-ce que l’apostrophe? Le mot mis en apostrophe, nom ou pronom, désigne l’être animé ou la chose personnifiée à qui l’on parle. C’est un mot indépendant, sans fonction dans la phrase.

How do you show possession with an apostrophe?

Apostrophes Showing Possession. An apostrophe is normally used with the letter s to show ownership or possession. With most singular nouns, simply add an apostrophe plus the letter s to do this. An apostrophe plus s is never added to make a noun plural–even a proper noun. Incorrect: This is Joans jacket.

Why do we use apostrophes to show possession?

The ‘s’ at the end of a word indicating possession (« The king’s fashion sense ») probably comes from the Old English custom of adding ‘-es’ to singular genitive masculine nouns (in modern English, « The kinges fashion sense »). In this theory, the apostrophe stands in for the missing ‘e’.

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Do you use an apostrophe for possession?

Indicating possession (the possessive form) An apostrophe is also used with nouns (people, places, and things*) to indicate their possession of something. Most often, an apostrophe is placed at the end of a word followed by “-s.” This occurs when there is only one person, place, or thing that demonstrates possession.

Where to put apostrophe possessive?

The following rules apply: If the possessive noun is singular, always add an apostrophe + s. If the possessive noun does not end in -s (in its written form), always add an apostrophe + s. If the possessive noun is plural and ends in -s (and this is a characteristic feature of the large majority of plural nouns), just add an apostrophe.

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