Quand utiliser will be ING?

Quand utiliser will be ING?

Le forme qui combine will et be + -ing est utilisée en anglais dans les cas suivants :

  1. action qui sera en cours à un moment du futur (insistance sur la durée de l’action) Exemple :
  2. action dont on est certain qu’elle se réalisera (résultat d’une action antérieure ou cours normal des choses) Exemple :

Quel est la différence entre Will et be going to?

Going to est utilisé quand j’ai déjà décidé de faire quelque chose, c’est un projet. Going to est utilisé pour des projets futurs à long terme. On utilise will quand on décide à l’instant de faire quelque chose.

Quand Utilise-t-on le futur continuous en anglais?

Si vous l’utilisez dans le cadre d’une action future, cela veut dire qu’il s’agit du futur progressif ou continu. Il s’agira alors d’une action inachevée qui sera en cours dans le futur. Le locuteur insiste sur la progression.

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What is the difference between “Will” and “will be” + ing?

Today I’d like to write about the difference between two grammar forms that are about the future: “will” and “will be” + ing. Generally, we use “will” to talk about future events in general, but we use “will be” + ing when we want to focus on a specific time or event in the future. For example: A: What will you do tomorrow? B: I’ll work tomorrow.

When to use will be + -ing form in English?

2 Answers 2. We use will be + -ing form (present participle, not bare infinitive) to form the future continuous to talk about future actions. It’s used to express that something will be in progress at or around a time in the future.

How do you use the word will in a sentence?

2 Answers 2. We use will be + -ing form (present participle, not bare infinitive) to form the future continuous to talk about future actions. It’s used to express that something will be in progress at or around a time in the future. I’ll be out at 6 o’clock tomorrow.

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What is the difference between will be and been?

Been is the third form (past form) of Be. So here we need to apply the third form of Be because in Future perfect tense we only use the third form of a verb. Will be also shows the outcome of an action or any event that will take place in near future. Example 5- He will be a scientist. Example 6- Her exam will be in October.

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