Quel age a Kevin McCallister?

Quel âge a Kevin McCallister?

L’acteur de 41 ans a également surpris tout le monde en défilant avec grande classe pour la Gucci Love Parade le 2 novembre dernier.

Quel âge a Kevin dans Maman jai raté l’avion?

Synopsis. La famille McCallister prend l’avion pour Paris pour y passer les fêtes. À bord, Kate McCallister s’aperçoit qu’elle et toute la famille ont laissé chez eux leur benjamin, Kevin, âgé de 8 ans.

Quel est le prénom du petit garçon dans Maman j’ai raté l’avion?

Maman j’ai raté l’avion (ça recommence) : qui est Archie Yates, l’acteur qui joue Max Mercer, le nouveau Kevin McCallister? Macaulay Culkin papa : la star de Maman, j’ai raté l’avion annonce la naissance de son fils !

How old is Kevin McCallister from home alone?

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Kevin McCallister is the main character in the Home Alone movies. Though his life revolves around Christmas of 1990 and 1992, both times in which he is separated from his family, Kevin had a full life both before and after his Home Alone days. Kevin Peter McCallister was born on August 26, 1982 to Peter and Kate McCallister.

Is Kevin from Home Alone a boy or girl?

In the 2006 PS2 video game Home Alone, Kevin is one of four playable characters. He is represented as a boy with blond hair, blue eyes and a red sweater (like his film counterpart) and must defend his house from burglars by locking the doors.

Who is the main character in the home alone movies?

Kevin McCallister is the main character in the Home Alone movies. Though his life revolves around Christmas of 1949, 1950 and 1951. both times in which he is separated from his family, Kevin had a full life both before and after his Home Alone days… Kevin Peter McCallister was born on March 17, 1941, to Peter and Kate McCallister.

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Where was’home alone’filmed?

Culkin stars as eight-year-old Kevin, who defends his home from burglars Harry and Marv (Pesci and Stern) after his family accidentally leaves him behind on their vacation. Home Alone was filmed between February and May 1990 in locations throughout Illinois.

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