Quel est le participe du verbe aller?

Quel est le participe du verbe aller?

Conjugaison du verbe aller – Participe

(Masculin) allé
(Feminin) allée

Comment on conjugue le verbe aller au présent de l’indicatif?

Règle du verbe aller Il se conjugue selon 3 radicaux distincts : le radical va au présent de l’indicatif et à l’impératif : je vais, tu vas…, le radical ir au futur et au conditionnel : j’irais, tu iras….

Quel est le temps de nous allions?

Présent Passé composé
Imparfait Plus-que-parfait
j’allais tuallais il allait nous allions vous alliez ils allaient j’étais allé tu étais allé il était allé nous étions allés vous étiez allés ils étaient allés
Passé simple Passé antérieur

How to conjugate Aller?

Learn How to Conjugate the French Verb ‘Aller’ Pronunciation. Be very careful about the pronunciation of this verb. Compound Tenses. Some verbs also use the auxiliary verb être to form their passé-composé (past compound) and other compound tenses. Agreement. Why do we write allé, allée, allés or allées? Conjugated in the Indicative Mood.

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Can You conjugate the verb aller?

Conjugation of french verb aller in interrogative form Indicative Subjunctive Conditional Imperative Infinitive Participle Gerondive Aller french verb. Aller belong to the 3 rd group. Aller is conjugated with auxiliary être. Conjugation rules. Aller is a french third group verb. So, this verb is irregular and do not follow a regular conjugation pattern like first or second group verbs. Aller french synonyms

What is the future tense of Aller?

In addition, you can express an imminent action in the near future by conjugating the verb aller (to go) in the present tense and adding the infinitive of the action the speaker will perform. Keep in mind that the irregular present tense of aller is je vais, tu vas, il va, nous allons, vous allez, and ils vont.

Is Aller a verb?

The verb aller is one of a few common but highly irregular French verbs: As shown in the verb tables on this page, the verb aller has various irregular forms in the present tense, and is one of the few verbs with a third person plural present tense form ending in -ont.

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