Quel est le sens du mot dictature?

Quel est le sens du mot dictature?

Du XIXe au XXe siècle Dans le domaine de la politique, on appelle « dictature » un régime dans lequel une personne (dictateur), ou un groupe de personnes, disposant d’un pouvoir absolu, s’y maintient de manière autoritaire et l’exerce de façon arbitraire.

Quels sont les belligérants?

Ressortissants des pays en guerre appartenant aux forces armées régulières ou supplétives.

Quel sens a le nom dictateur aujourd’hui?

 dictateur, dictatrice 1. Personne qui, à la tête d’un État, détient tous les pouvoirs, les exerçant sans contrôle et de façon autoritaire ; autocrate. 2. Personne autoritaire qui impose son point de vue et sa manière de vivre aux autres ; tyran, despote.

What are facts about dictatorship?

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Facts About Dictatorship. 1. Dictatorship is a form of government in which a person or a group holds absolute power, unrestricted by laws, constitution or opposition. The term ‘dictator’ originated in the time of the Roman Republic . During times of crisis, a magistrate was given extraordinary powers to deal with important state affairs.

What are dictatorial regimes characterized for doing?

A common aspect that characterized dictatorship is taking advantage of their strong personality, usually by suppressing freedom of thought and speech of the masses, in order to maintain complete political and social supremacy and stability.

How do you use dictator in a sentence?

It is a country governed by a dictator and controlled by revolutions and insubordination.

  • The new century was to learn what this suddenly risen dictator would establish in its stead.
  • Once in power,they hunted their enemies down until order under a dictator could be restored.
  • What are the characteristics of a dictatorship?

    A dictatorship is a form of government characterized by the rule of one person or a small group of people who have no checks and balances on their power. While portrayed to their people as benevolent, loving rulers, dictators typically come to power simply to benefit themselves.

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