Quel est le synonyme de circuit?

Quel est le synonyme de circuit?

chemin, itinéraire, route, trajet, voie[Hyper.]

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Quelle est la différence entre un circuit fermé et un circuit ouvert?

Lorsque l’interrupteur est ouvert, le courant électrique ne peut pas circuler dans le circuit. On dit alors que le circuit est ouvert puisque le courant ne peut y circuler. Lorsque l’interrupteur est fermé, le courant peut circuler dans le circuit. On dit alors que le circuit est fermé et le courant peut y circuler.

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What are the different parts of circuit?

Circuit Board Components Identification Circuit Boards. The circuit boards themselves are simple enough. Resisters. Resistors limit the flow of current through a circuit. Potentiometers. These variable resistors are usually marked in ohms using three digits. Capacitors. Capacitors store electric charge. Connectors. Diode. LED. Relays. Transistors. Inductors.

What is an example of a circuit?

In electronics, a circuit is a closed path that allows electricity to flow from one point to another. It may include various electrical components, such as transistors, resistors, and capacitors, but the flow is unimpeded by a gap or break in the circuit. A flashlight is an example of a basic circuit.

What are circuits used for?

Series circuits are most often used for lighting. The most familiar example is a string of classic Christmas tree lights, in which the loss of one bulb shuts off the flow of electricity to each bulb further down the line.

What is a circuit in the court system?

At its most basic level, a circuit court is a group of courts that works together as a regional justice system. These courts typically try cases and hear appeals from within the region.

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