Quel est le synonyme du mot dexterite?

Quel est le synonyme du mot dextérité?

Adresse manuelle ; délicatesse, aisance dans l’exécution de qqch. ➙ agilité, légèreté.

Qui a de la dextérité?

 dextérité Adresse d’esprit, ingéniosité dans l’accomplissement d’une action ; habileté : Conduire une affaire avec beaucoup de dextérité.

Comment avoir de la dextérité?

Annexe : Exercices pour améliorer la force dans les mains et la…

  1. Aiguiser un crayon à l’aide d’un taille-crayon manuel.
  2. Faire pivoter le crayon dans la main pour effacer.
  3. Faire tournoyer le crayon dix fois dans chaque main.
  4. Faire glisser les doigts le long du crayon de haut en bas et de bas en haut.

Qui montre de la dextérité mots fléchés?

Autres synonymes possibles

Synonyme Nombre de lettres
Menacer 7 lettres
Éroder 7 lettres
Révéler 7 lettres
Haleter 7 lettres
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What is the meaning of Dexter?

The name Dexter is of English origin. The meaning of Dexter is « fabric dyer ». Dexter is generally used as a boy’s name. It consists of 6 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Dex-ter.

What is the definition for dexterity?

plural dexterities. 1 : readiness and grace in physical activity especially : skill and ease in using the hands manual dexterity.

What is dexterity skills?

Dexterity is skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands, and skill in using ranged weapons. It also means Fine motor skill by way of the coordination of small muscle movements which occur in body parts such as the fingers, usually in coordination with the eyes.

What is dexterity in boxing?

Definition of: dexterity. We speak of adroitness in fencing, boxing, or debate; of dexterity in horsemanship, in the use of tools, weapons, etc. Aptitude is a natural readiness, which by practice may be developed into dexterity. Skill is more exact to line, rule, and method than dexterity. Dexterity can not be communicated;

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