Quel est le synonyme du mot solitude?

Quel est le synonyme du mot solitude?

Profonde solitude Sens : Isolement extrême. Solitude insupportable Sens : Isolement insoutenable.

Quel est l’opposé de la solitude?

S’il est question de réaliser une tâche, de faire un travail, le contraire de solitude est collaboration .

Quel est la nature du mot solitude?

État de quelqu’un qui est seul momentanément ou habituellement : Profiter d’un instant de solitude pour réfléchir. État de quelqu’un qui est psychologiquement seul : Solitude morale. 3. Caractère d’un lieu où l’on se sent seul, isolé : La solitude des forêts.

What does Thoreau say about solitude?

Analysis. What Thoreau means by “solitude,” we discover, is not loneliness or isolation, but rather self-communion and introspection. It has little to do with the physical proximity of others, since he says that a man can be lonely when surrounded by others if he does not feel real companionship with them.

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Is solitude a good thing?

Solitude, gives better time and space for thinking. No distraction or diversion in solitude. but in a busy life, like that of ours, solitude is becoming things of the past. solitude is good for right thinking people, but for others, it may have equally adverse effect.

What is a synonym for solitude?

Synonym Discussion of solitude. solitude, isolation, seclusion mean the state of one who is alone. solitude may imply a condition of being apart from all human beings or of being cut off by wish or circumstances from one’s usual associates. isolation stresses detachment from others often involuntarily.

What is the Latin root word for solitude?

solitude (n.) mid-14c., from Old French solitude « loneliness » (14c.) and directly from Latin solitudinem (nominative solitudo) « loneliness, a being alone; lonely place, desert, wilderness, » from solus « alone » (see sole (adj.)). « Not in common use in English until the 17th c. » [OED]

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