Quel Linux Mint installer?

Quel Linux Mint installer?

La version de Linux Mint la plus populaire est l’édition Cinnamon….Cinnamon, MATE ou Xfce? ¶

Cinnamon Le bureau le plus moderne, innovant et riche en fonctionalités
MATE Un bureau plus stable et plus rapide
Xfce Le plus léger et le plus stable

Comment reinitialiser Linux Ubuntu?

Il n’existe pas de réinitialisation d’usine dans Ubuntu. Vous devez exécuter un disque/disque USB de toute distribution Linux et sauvegarder vos données, puis réinstaller Ubuntu.

Comment installer Linux sur une clé USB?

Créer une clé USB bootable de Linux

  1. Lancez Rufus.
  2. Sélectionnez les options suivantes : Périphérique : votre clé USB.
  3. Cliquez sur le bouton Démarrer pour lancer la création de la clé USB d’installation de Linux.
  4. Sélectionnez Écrire en mode Image ISO puis cliquez sur OK.
  5. Attendez que la copie des fichiers ISO se termine…
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How to enjoy Cinnamon desktop on Linux Mint?

There are 2 ways we can enjoy the Cinnamon desktop: installing the Cinnamon desktop only or reinstalling Linux Mint with Cinnamon desktop. This is the easiest way of enjoying Cinnamon. However, having 2 or more desktop environment on the same system is a risky move.

What is the Linux Mint desktop environment?

Now, on top of Ubuntu, Linux Mint comes up in different desktop environments. The Cinnamon desktop is a unique one by nature. It mimics the functionality of Windows. Moreover, it’s homemade. Linux Mint is primarily focused on Cinnamon. The Cinnamon desktop is derived from the modern GNOME 3.

Is Linux Mint a good distro to install?

Linux Mint is a nice distro that’s based on Ubuntu. This feature allows Linux Mint to enjoy the support from one of the largest Linux communities of all. Moreover, as it’s based on Ubuntu, it’s stable and fluent. Now, on top of Ubuntu, Linux Mint comes up in different desktop environments.

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Should I install Enlightment or remove cinnamon?

If you have more than one desktop environment installed, you can choose which one to use at the login screen. So if I were going to remove Cinnamon, I would install Enlightment first, confirm that it is working properly, then remove Cinnamon. “If the government were coming for your TVs and cars, then you’d be upset.

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