Quelle est la langue officielle de la Mozambique?

Quelle est la langue officielle de la Mozambique?

Mozambique/Langues officielles
Héritage de la colonisation qui s’est achevée en 1975, la langue officielle et quasi générale de l’enseignement au Mozambique est restée le portugais. Mais la grande majorité des habitants s’expriment d’abord dans l’un des 42 dialectes.

Quels sont les richesses du Mozambique?

Ce «boom» économique, le Mozambique – qui a connu une croissance moyenne de 7,2 \% sur la dernière décennie – le doit à ses sols gorgés de ressources naturelles: eau, graphite, phosphate, rubis, essences végétales… et surtout le charbon et le gaz, dopé tout récemment par de gigantesques découvertes.

Quel pays qui a colonisé Mozambique?

Colonisation portugaise (1498-1975) Article détaillé : Mozambique portugais.

Pourquoi aller au Mozambique?

Vastes savanes, forêts de palmiers, plaines fleuries, nombreux points d’eau et cascades… il bénéficie d’un écosystème idéal pour la flore exceptionnelle et pour la faune qui a été réintroduite grâce à la fondation Carr, qui œuvre pour la conservation et la protection des espèces du parc.

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What you should know about Mozambique?

MATRILINEAL AND PATRILINEAL. The country practices two distinct inheritance systems: one in the north and the other in the south.

  • SMALL LAND,MANY USERS. Unlike some other countries where many are more interested in white-collar jobs,more people in Mozambique are interested in farming than the land can accommodate.
  • What is the religion of Mozambique?

    Religion in Mozambique . According to the most recent census conducted by the National Institute of Statistics in 2007, 56.1\% of the population of Mozambique were Christian, 17.9\% were Muslim (mainly Sunni), 18.7\% had no religion, and 7.3\% adhered to other beliefs.

    What is Mozambique famous for?

    Mozambique is also famous for the quality of its fresh seafood. The Portuguese influence is felt in dishes such as Peri-Peri (hot and spicy) Prawns and Peri-Peri Chicken. 7. Fantastic artwork – the northern regions of Mozambique are famous for their crafts, including sculptures produced by the Makondo people.

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    Why is Mozambique so poor?

    Another factor to consider when asking “why is Mozambique poor” is the severely low level of agricultural productivity. Although there is a huge potential for agriculture, most of the land in the region remains largely untapped; this instance is due to the lack of appropriate supports and agricultural technologies.

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