Quelle est la nature de large?

Quelle est la nature de large?

large ​​​ adjectif, nom masculin et adverbe. Qui a une étendue supérieure à la moyenne dans le sens de la largeur (s’oppose à étroit).

Quelle est le contraire de petite?

Exemple : Grand est l’antonyme du mot petit.

Quel mot a un sens contraire à rare?

Contraires de rare pour dire « très commun » Fourmillant , grouillant et pullulant sont d’autres antonymes de rare , pour qualifier ce qui se reproduit très vite et en grand nombre.

Quel est le contraire de court?

Quel est l’antonyme de court?

allongé éternel
interminable large

Quel est le nom de large?

Etendu. Ample. Dont la largeur est grande. Généreux.

What are some synonyms for large?

Synonyms of large. big, biggish, boxcar, bulky, considerable, goodly, grand, great, handsome, hefty, hulking, husky, largish, outsize (also outsized), oversize (or oversized), sizable (or sizeable), substantial, tidy, voluminous.

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What is the opposite of large?

Here are a variety of words whose meaning is nearly the opposite of large. brief. diminutive. inconsiderable. infinitesimal. insignificant. limited.

What do words mean large?

Large « Large » is used less commonly than « big. » It is used with quantity words, for example, large scale, a large number, a large amount of something, a large proportion, to a very large extent, large volume, large part of something, large area, etc. It refers to a greater than average size, for example: « A large house or large garden. »

What are some synonyms for huge?

Synonym Discussion of huge. enormous, immense, huge, vast, gigantic, colossal, mammoth mean exceedingly large. enormous and immense both suggest an exceeding of all ordinary bounds in size or amount or degree, but enormous often adds an implication of abnormality or monstrousness. an enormous expense. an immense shopping mall.

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