Quelle perception du monde le mot illusion Exprime-t-il?

Quelle perception du monde le mot illusion Exprime-t-il?

Perception fausse. Jugement erroné, opinion fausse. Exemple : Une illusion d’optique. Apparence trompeuse, en dehors de la réalité.

Pourquoi le bonheur n’est pas une illusion?

L’illusion est une erreur de perception. Dans l’illusion, on croit que quelque chose se produit alors qu’il n’en est rien. Quant au fait d’être heureux, c’est d’une manière générale connaître un état de bien-être, c’est ressentir de la joie, de la satisfaction.

What is the definition of an illusion?

Definition of ‘illusion’. illusion. An illusion is a false idea or belief. Do not have any illusions that an industrial tribunal will right all employment wrongs. No one really has any illusions about winning the war. An illusion is something that appears to exist or be a particular thing but does not actually exist or is in reality something else.

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What is another word for illusion?

Another word for illusion. Noun. delusion, head game, illusion – the act of deluding; deception by creating illusory ideas. fancy, fantasy, illusion, phantasy – something many people believe that is false. Example:- they have the illusion that I am very wealthy.

What is the verb in illusion?

Allusion is a noun form of the verb allude and means « a reference to something indirectly or covertly. » An illusion is something that creates a false perception. The term « optical illusion  » is an example of the correct use of this word. An allusion is something that commonly appears in literature.

What is the definition of Illusion in literature?

Definition of Illusion. An illusion is a false illustration of something, a deceptive impression, or a false belief. Literally speaking, an illusion is something that is false and not factual. It tricks the human brain into thinking an unreal into a real. In other words, it is meant to mislead the perception of readers, and deceive their senses.

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