Quelle puissance frigorifique pour surface?

Quelle puissance frigorifique pour surface?

6 000 à 9 000 BTU soit 1 750 W jusqu’à 25 m2 ; 12 000 à 18 000 BTU soit 3 500 à 5 250 W pour 25 à 50 m2 ; 24 000 BTU soit 7 000 W pour 50 à 70 m2 ; au moins 3 000 BTU soit 8 800 W pour plus de 70 m2.

Quelle est la bonne puissance d’un climatiseur mobile?

21 à 40 m² : entre 2 100 et 4 000 W. 41 à 60 m² : entre 4 100 et 6 000 W. Plus de 60 m² : plus de 6 000 W.

Comment calculer la puissance frigorifique?

Pour une température de condensation de 40°C. la puissance frigorifique utile est de 6,75 [kW]; la puissance électrique absorbée par le moteur du compresseur est de 2,64 [kW]. on en déduit le COPfroid = 6,75 / 2,64 = 2,55.

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How many Watts Does a mini split use?

It depends on the size of your mini split in British thermal units or BTUs. Let’s say, for example, that your mini split runs on 9,000 BTUs, which is common for some models (such as ductless mini split systems from Fujitsu). What kind of watt consumption are you looking at here? It’d be about 600 watts, give or take.

What is the power of 20000 BTU/hr in Watts?

1 BTU/hr = 0.29307107 W. So the power P in watts (W) is equal to the power P in BTUs per hour (BTU/hr) times 0.29307107 and is equal to the power P in BTUs per hour (BTU/hr) divided by 3.412141633: P(W) = P(BTU/hr) × 0.29307107 = P(BTU/hr) / 3.412141633. Convert 20000 BTU/hr to watts:

What is P in watts (W) in BTU/hr?

BTUs per hour (BTU/hr) to watts (W) power conversion calculator and how to convert. So the power P in watts (W) is equal to the power P in BTUs per hour (BTU/hr) times 0.29307107 and is equal to the power P in BTUs per hour (BTU/hr) divided by 3.412141633: P(W) = P(BTU/hr) × 0.29307107 = P(BTU/hr) / 3.412141633

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How many BTU’s in a 100 watt Watt?

Watts to BTU/hr conversion table Power (watt) Power (BTU/hr) 1 W 3.412142 BTU/hr 10 W 34.121416 BTU/hr 100 W 341.214163 BTU/hr 1000 W 3412.141633 BTU/hr

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