Quelle triomphe?

Quelle triomphe?

267). 2. Approbation enthousiaste exprimée à celui qui a remporté une victoire, un succès. Quel triomphe!

Quelle est la nature de triomphe?

Succès éclatant, grande victoire qui provoque l’admiration du public.

Comment Appelle-t-on celui qui triomphe?

triomphe (n.m.) triomphe (n.) ↘ triomphal, triomphateur, victorieux ≠ défaite. triompher (v.

Quel est l’adjectif de triompher?

triomphant ​​​ Votre navigateur ne prend pas en charge audio. , triomphante ​​​ adjectif. Qui triomphe, qui a remporté une éclatante victoire. ➙ victorieux, vainqueur.

Comment on écrit triomphe?

triomphe n.m. Victoire éclatante de quelqu’un, d’un groupe. triompher v.i.

Why was l’Arc de Triomphe built?

The construction of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris was ordered in 1806 by Napoleon,the French Emperor.

  • Napoleon wanted to honor the Grande Armee,the name of the French army at that time.
  • The Grande Armee had conquered most of Europe and was then considered invicible.
  • The construction had been stopped between 1814 (abdication of Napoleon) and 1826.
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    What does the Arc de Triomphe represent?

    The Arc de Triomphe honours those who fought and died for France in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, with the names of all French victories and generals inscribed on its inner and outer surfaces. Beneath its vault lies the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from World War I.

    Where is Arc de Triomphe located?

    Arc De Triomphe, one of the worlds largest triumph arc, is a great monument located in Paris which stands in the centre of “ Charles De Gaulle ”. The arc was built as the honor for those who fought for France especially during the Napoleonic wars.

    What does Arc de Triomphe mean?

    Arc de Triomphe. [ark duh tree-awnf] noun. an arch, located in Paris, begun in 1806 by Napoleon in honor of his victorious armies and completed in 1836. The unknown soldier of France and the eternal flame were placed beneath the arch after World War I.

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