Qui a essaye de tuer Dan?

Qui a essayé de tuer Dan?

Il deviendra Maire de Tree Hill. Dan cherche à savoir qui a tenté à sa vie lors de l’incendie. Persuadé que c’est Keith son frère, lors de la prise d’otage dans le lycée, Dan tuera son frère. Mais lors du mariage de Haley et Nathan, Deb lui avouera que c’est elle qui a voulu le tuer .

Qui a tuer Dan?

Son maillot fut retiré après sa carrière, mais fut de nouveau mit en circulation après la révélation des actes passés de Dan: il a tué par jalousie et par colère son propre frère, Keith Scott. Cette révélation l’éloignera de l’ensemble de sa famille. Seul son petit fils, Jamie Scott, acceptera de lui parler.

What happened to Deb and Dan on One Tree Hill?

After a few months Deb became pregnant and Dan decided to marry her. Karen gave birth to a son, Lucas Eugene Scott, a few months before Deb would give birth to Nathan Royal Scott . Dan was portrayed as the original villain in the beginning of One Tree Hill. Dan and Karen Roe had a relationship in high school which led to her being pregnant.

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How many seasons of One Tree Hill is Dan in?

Dan is one of few main characters to appear in all 9 seasons of One Tree Hill . The other main characters are: Nathan Scott, Brooke Davis, Haley James Scott, Mouth and Skills. Dan is one of the four main male characters to appear in all 9 seasons of One Tree Hill .

Who are the other main characters in One Tree Hill?

The other main characters are: Nathan Scott, Brooke Davis, Haley James Scott, Mouth and Skills. Dan is one of the four main male characters to appear in all 9 seasons of One Tree Hill . The other three are: his son Nathan, Mouth and Skills.

Who is the original villain on One Tree Hill?

Dan was portrayed as the original villain in the beginning of One Tree Hill. Dan and Karen Roe had a relationship in high school which led to her being pregnant. Dan left Karen behind and went off to college and met Deb. A few months later Deb was pregnant as well.

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