Qui a realise la ligne verte?

Qui a réalisé la ligne verte?

Frank DarabontLa Ligne verte / RéalisateurFrank Árpád Darabont, né le 28 janvier 1959 à Montbéliard, est un réalisateur, scénariste, producteur compositeur, musicien et acteur de cinéma américain d’origine hongroise. Il s’est surtout illustré en réalisant trois longs métrages adaptés d’œuvres de Stephen King : Les Évadés, La Ligne verte, et The Mist. Wikipédia

Où se passe la ligne verte?

C’est Frank Darabont, déjà derrière Les Évadés, qui réalise La Ligne Verte pour le cinéma en 1999. L’oscarisé Tom Hanks incarne Paul Edgecomb, un retraité se remémorant ses années de gardien-chef dans le centre pénitencier de Cold Moutain en Louisiane dans les années 1930.

Who is Michael Clarke Duncan in the Green Mile?

Michael Clarke Duncan casts a large shadow as accused killer John Coffey; his introductory walk on the ‘green mile’ has a numbing influence on prisoners and guards alike. For an actor who virtually came from nowhere, his performance is extraordinary, shaded with subtle nuance and deep emotion.

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How tall was Tim Duncan in the Green Mile?

However, he was practically average height on the set of The Green Mile, alongside costars David Morse (6 feet 4 inches) and James Cromwell (6 feet 6 inches). Blocking tactics gave Duncan the appearance of towering over his costars. 8. MANY OF THE ACTORS “LET THEMSELVES GO” DURING PRODUCTION.

Is the Green Mile based on a true story?

Based on Stephen King’s 1996 novel of the same name. Stars Tom Hanks as a death row corrections officer during the U.S. Great Depression who witnesses supernatural events that occur after an enigmatic inmate (Michael Clarke Duncan) is brought to his facility. It’s just another normal day on the Green Mile for prison guard Paul Edgecomb.

What did Spike Lee say about the Green Mile?

Always outspoken about the depiction of African American men and women in Hollywood productions, Spike Lee took The Green Mile to task for what he and some film critics saw as the relegation of Duncan to the detested trope of “magic Negro,” a term for an enchanted black character who exists purely to better the lives of his white compatriots. 13.

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