Qui est le personnage le plus intelligent de Marvel?

Qui est le personnage le plus intelligent de Marvel?

Pendant de nombreuses années, Reed Richards a été considéré comme la personne la plus intelligente de l’univers Marvel.

Quel est le super pouvoir de Iron Man?

Il concerne les superhéros. force surhumaine, vol à une vitesse pouvant atteindre Mach 8, répulseurs énergiques, missiles, support de protection et de soin. Iron Man (l’Homme de Fer) est un superhéros de comics créé en 1963 par Stan Lee pour Marvel Comics.

Is Reed Richards a better super-genius than Tony Stark?

Tony, for that matter, has committed plenty of mistakes and poor choices based on emotions. That makes Reed Richards the more level-headed and logical of the two super-geniuses. Iron Man and Captain America wanted to destroy Galactus after the Fantastic Four defeated it; Richards was more rational about his decision.

What is the IQ of Reed Richards?

Now, Marvel never really set both Reed Richards’ and Tony Stark’s IQ levels in stone. It’s fiction after all and some suspension of disbelief is required. However, Earth-1610 has an Ultimate Reed Richards version whose IQ was measured in at 267… back when he was at the age of 16.

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Is Reed Richards the smartest in Marvel Earth?

How is this even a debate when marvel has come outright to say Reed Richards is the smartest in Marvel Earth. He has better feats than Tony to back of this claim. Reed no doubt! define smart? reed is a better scientist. tony is a better engineer. tony is smarter in fast pace tactics.

What powers does Reed Richards have?

However, he then decided to give this power back to Galan, along with a silver of his mind. Super-Genius Intelligence: Dr. Richards is one of the most intelligent beings on the planet. Reed possesses a mastery of electrical, mechanical and aerospace engineering, electronics, chemistry, all levels of physics, and human and alien biology.

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