Comment expliquer une pathologie?

Comment expliquer une pathologie?

 pathologie 1. Étude des maladies, de leurs causes et de leurs symptômes. 2. Ensemble des manifestations d’une maladie et des effets morbides qu’elle entraîne.

Comment diagnostiquer une pathologie?

diagnostiquer une pathologie

  1. Examen clinique et électrocardiogramme.
  2. Épreuve d’efforts.
  3. Echographies : échographie d’effort, échographie de stress (dobutamine), par des appareils bi- ou tri-dimentionnels, ETO.
  4. Radiographie du thorax.

Quels types de pathologies?

Les pathologies et symptomes

  • Abcès.
  • Aboulie.
  • Accident ischémique transitoire.
  • Accident vasculaire cérébral.
  • Acidocétose.
  • Acidose.
  • Acouphène.
  • Acromégalie.

What are pathology terms?

Pathology is a branch of medical science primarily concerning the cause, origin and nature of disease. It involves the examination of tissues, organs, bodily fluids and autopsies in order to study and diagnose disease. Currently, pathology can be divided into eight main areas, depending on the types of methods used or…

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What does the word pathological mean?

• PATHOLOGICAL (adjective) The adjective PATHOLOGICAL has 3 senses: 1. of or relating to the practice of pathology. 2. caused by or evidencing a mentally disturbed condition. 3. caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology.

What are pathology results?

A pathology report is a document that contains the diagnosis determined by examining cells and tissues under a microscope. The report may also contain information about the size, shape, and appearance of a specimen as it looks to the naked eye. This information is known as the gross description.

What does underlying pathology mean?

Underlying pathology. Pompe disease is a progressive, multisystemic, debilitating and potentially fatal neuromuscular disorder. It was first described in 1932 by Dutch pathologist Johannes C. Pompe, who reported the case of a 7 month old infant who died of idiopathic cardiac hypertrophy .

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