Comment fonctionne le paiement par Western Union?

Comment fonctionne le paiement par Western Union?

Pour retirer l’argent, le bénéficiaire peut se rendre dans n’importe quelle agence Western Union. Il devra suivre les instructions de l’agent et fournir le numéro de suivi (le MTCN) ainsi qu’une pièce d’identité en cours de validité. L’agent versera alors le montant du transfert au bénéficiaire.

Quel montant maximum Peut-on envoyer par Western Union?

Quelle somme ai-je le droit d’envoyer en ligne? Vous pouvez envoyer au maximum 1 000,00 EUR sans que nous ayons à vérifier votre identité. Une fois ce transfert terminé, votre limite d’envoi passera à 5 000,00 EUR.

How much does it cost to send a Western Union?

Western Union charges around $5 for a transfer of money of up to $50 anywhere in the U.S., but a transfer of $1,000 can cost $95 if you’re using a credit card.

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What is the Western Union limit on money transfer?

As a result, the limit for a Western Union money order varies by location. Western Union agents aren’t obligated to cash money orders either, although many will. Typically, the maximum that a Western Union agent will allow to be placed on a money order is $1,000, though some have lower maximum limits.

How to wire money with Western Union?

Log in or sign up and verify your free account. Click ‘Send now’ to start your transfer.

  • Enter the destination and amount you’d like to send. Transaction times vary per destination,but you’ll be able to view the times as you make your selections.
  • Select ‘Bank account.’ You can select a past receiver or enter your receiver’s bank account details 7.
  • Pay with your credit/debit card 2.
  • We will send you a confirmation email with a tracking number of your transaction (MTCN). You can share this number with your receiver to track the funds.
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    How do you wire money from Western Union?

    You can wire money via Western Union at any agent location. Select the Money in Minutes or Next Day service. In either case, you’ll fill out the form and input your own information and that of the recipient. Make sure to use the recipient’s real name rather than a nickname or alias.

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